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Oconee County Georgia Real Estate

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Like most other communities in the vicinity of the University of Georgia, Oconee County is directly affected and influenced by whatever comes out of this respected academic institution, whether it’s a new innovation or a new policy shift. A tangible illustration of Oconee County’s connection to UGA is the fact that more than a thousand Oconee County residents hold down jobs at the university. What’s more, it’s also doubtless partly due to UGA’s being so close that Oconee County, Georgia real estate has been steadily rising in value.

The benefits of having a renowned research university close at hand are immeasurable. Universities attract and produce an educated, highly skilled workforce, which in turn attracts businesses and industries that bring in jobs and broaden a community’s tax base, among other things. It has a cultural and entertainment benefit, as well – witness Athens’ numerous artistic events and happenings, as well they’re swinging music scene and, of course, the abundance of exciting sporting events care of the Georgia Bulldogs.

Another main draw for those interested in Oconee County, GA homes are the region’s exceptional public schools. The Oconee County Public School System is highly regarded and there are also a host of options when it comes to private schooling.

Apart from UGA, there are also several higher education institutes in the area, among them a campus of Gainesville College, the Athens Area Technical College, and Piedmont College. Clearly, folks here take their education seriously and that’s not a bad kind of setting to raise your kids in.

If you’d like to know more about Oconee and what it has to offer, please contact me, your Oconee County, Georgia real estate professional.



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